In summary, CBD helps our body maintain homeostasis. It does this by interacting with our endocannabinoid system – an extremely important system involved in controlling functions such as mood, appetite, sleep and immune response, helping to keep us balanced.
The crop is easy to grow organically without the use of chemicals and is very resistant to pests.
It is also low risk because the plant is easy to grow.
Very profitable to farmers per hectare because they can profit from the whole plant and seeds.
Replaces the fish oil as the plant is rich in Omega 3 and contains the optimal 1:3 ratio of omega 3 to 6.
Much of the population believe they can get a relaxation effect. Therefore, it is popular for recreational use.
There are also many people who claim that the plant helps to relieve many symptoms.
There are several ways to take CBD oil:
Sublingually/under the tongue
Ingesting CBD through edibles
Inhaling CBD through vaporization
Applying CBD topically to the skin
Using vaginal or anal CBD suppositories
The endocannabinoid system is a homeostatic regulator of neuronal activity and almost every other physiological system in the body. It has a regulatory role in pain, inflammation, memory, emotion, sleep and metabolic function.
It comprises a vast network of receptors in the brain, central and peripheral nervous system and cannabis-like compounds called endocannabinoids.
CB1 receptors are located in central nervous system. They are responsible for:
Immune cells
Physical activity
The sensation of pain
Short-term memory
Mental activity
CB2 receptors are located in peripheral nervous system. They are responsible for:
Cardiovascular system
Central nervous system
Gastrointestinal system
Immune system
Reproductive system
Respiratory tract
It has been likened to a dimmer switch, constantly working to bring balance when there is too much or too little activity in the body.
Plant cannabinoids like CBD and THC interact with the endocannabinoid system, which researchers believe may explain some of the reported physiological effects of the cannabis plant.
Recent research has shown that active compounds from other plant species such as carrot (Daucus carota), kava (Piper methyscum), New Zealand liverwort (Radula marginata), ginger (Zingiber officinale) and black pepper (Piper nigrum) contain compounds that interact with the endocannabinoid system.
CBD and THC are both natural compounds found in the cannabis plant, called cannabinoids – or more accurately, phytocannabinoids (meaning cannabinoids found in plants). Despite this similarity, they’re different in the following ways:
CBD is not a psychotropic and therefore does not make you high, whereas THC is – and produces that euphoric effect.
THC interacts with our CB1 receptor, whereas CBD’s mechanism of action focuses on our CB2 receptor.
THC has a high binding affinity for our CB1 receptor, meaning it fits perfectly into this receptor site. CBD has a low binding affinity for our CB2 receptors, preferring to regulate the release of our naturally produced endocannabinoids such as anandamide, which have a high binding affinity for our CB2 receptors.
CBD is abundant in hemp, while THC is abundant in other cannabis strains.
CBD products derived from hemp are legal in most countries, whereas THC products derived from hemp are not.
In the results of our ongoing survey, many people who currently use CBD products claim that CBD makes them feel calmer and more relaxed. However, it’s difficult to determine what CBD can do for you as an individual, as CBD affects each of us differently.
Many people report that CBD oil makes them feel relaxed and calm. It does not get you ‘high’ as it is not psychotropic.
There are some scientific experiments that suggest that cannabinoids work in a similar way to the endocannabinoids that the human body already produces in healthy people. The mechanisms of action are not yet fully understood and there are no conclusive studies that show a clear path.
No, CBD does not get you high. It is 100% non-psychoactive. THC is the compound that gets you high.
Cannadoca CBD oil, contains high levels of CBD, a natural compound found in the hemp plant – part of the cannabis family. All our products are THC FREE thanks to a patented technology used during the extraction process. When cannabis contains high levels of THC, it produces psychoactive effects that will make you high – and is commonly referred to as marijuana.
If drug testing is part of your job, always do your research before taking CBD. At Cannadoca we can’t give medical, professional or legal advice. So we advise that you always check your employer’s policy or the latest drug testing information on CBD before you start taking our CBD products.
Most CBD products are derived from hemp, which means their THC content will be less than the legal limit of 0.3%. In our Full Spectrum CBD Oil the THC is virtually 0%, but we have other cannabinoids in the product.
Professionals such as teachers, police and government officials may be required to take a mandatory drug test at various times of the year and some companies have a zero tolerance policy for THC.
Full-spectrum CBD products derived from hemp have very low and often undetectable levels of THC. However, there is still a possibility that even small amounts can cause a false positive. We advise our users to try THC free options such as Cannadoca Broad Spectrum CBD, however this product is not risk free.
Please make sure you speak to your employer before using CBD products if you are concerned about drug testing, and don’t hesitate to contact our team via web chat if you have any further questions.
Yes, there is a possibility of drug interactions when using CBD oil with other medications. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor if you plan to take CBD with your current medication.
Most of the potential side effects of CBD oil are mild. If you experience any of the following symptoms, it’s recommended that you reduce your CBD oil dosage. We always recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it. The possible side effects of CBD oil are
Dry mouth
A slight drop in blood pressure
Increased appetite
It’s important to remember that CBD oil affects everyone differently, and what happens to you may not happen to someone else.
It’s thought that CBD stays in your system for around two to five days. However, everyone is different and the amount of time it takes for the molecule to leave your body depends on your body. It also depends on how much CBD oil you have taken.
It’s important to remember that while CBD is safe to use, it can potentially interfere with other medications. This is because the way CBD is metabolized in your body can alter how you normally metabolize other medications.
If your medication isn’t metabolized properly, it may not work. Instead, it may stay in your system longer than desired, or in a form that your body doesn’t like, leading to negative side effects and potential complications. For example, taking CBD with blood thinners can result not letting them break down in your system.
However, there is a chance that CBD may increase the effect of your medication – to the point where you can reduce your regular dose. Always ask your doctor if you can take grapefruit with your medication. Grapefruit can also interfere with the metabolism of a number of medications, so if your doctor says no to grapefruit, you’ll need to be careful about mixing CBD with your medications. Of course, we always recommend discussing CBD with your doctor anyway – especially if you’re already taking any medication.
It is simple! Give your dog a few drops – or the whole dropper – and adjust the dose after observing the effects. You can find out what your pet likes best, but we recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing if necessary. Some dogs and cats like to take CBD oil straight from the dropper (not recommended), while others prefer to add it to their food or favourite treat.
NOTE: Try to avoid giving your pet the oil directly from the glass dropper. This will help maintain the quality of the product and prevent damage if your pet bites the dropper and breaks it. This could cause unwanted injury.
CBD Oil is as safe for your pet as it is for you. The effects of Cannabidiol come from its ability to stimulate the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in the body’s ability to process certain functions. This organic system is found in all mammals, meaning many animals have it. This system is something we share with our pets, and the differences are so small that the effects of CBD on a human and an animal are extremely similar.
There is no clear-cut number that will tell you the amount of CBD you should give to your pet. You should follow similar steps as you would when consuming your own CBD oil. Our CBD Oils for Pets are formulated for small (300 mg), medium (500mg) and large (1000-1500 mg) breeds.
The main difference between your CBD oil and your pet’s CBD oil is that a pet product will provide a more appropriate concentration of CBD for their size and weight. Cannabidiol intake varies from person to person and animal to animal. A big factor in determining the appropriate CBD serving size is weight. Someone who weighs more will need more CBD to feel the same effects as someone who weighs less. Similarly, body size can play a role in the effectiveness of CBD for both humans and animals. A grandmother and a professional boxer will consume different doses of CBD, and we can make similar comparisons for animals.
There is no universal dose of CBD for animals or humans. However, we recommend starting with 0.5-1 mg/kg of CBD twice a day. The concentration and amount of CBD your pet consumes is mostly determined by their weight. Unlike humans, pets are unable to articulate how CBD affects them, so this method of estimating their personal serving size is not feasible. Weight therefore becomes the universal measure for determining the amount of CBD oil a pet should have. The amount of CBD increases in proportion to the weight of the animal, meaning that a larger, heavier animal will require a much larger serving of CBD than one that is smaller and lighter.